Talent sourcing is a great way to improve employee retention and recruiting efforts. However, there are many different purposes for sourcing talent. You need to identify your growth needs and develop a talent pipeline that will help you meet those needs.

Identifying Growth Needs

You are identifying growth needs when talent sourcing is a process that requires careful attention to detail. It requires you to look beyond your job postings and consider your current and future needs. You must also create an engaging candidate experience, which drives engagement in your talent sourcing process.

A job analysis is a great way to determine what skills and traits are needed for your job. You can also use this process to decide on skills you may need to develop internally.

The best sourcing strategy is one that has clearly defined objectives. You need to find the right talent for the right position and ensure you do it in a timely and cost-effective manner. You need to be able to reach out to the best candidates effectively, and you need to be able to measure the results. You can do this by using a sourcing software platform like Lever.

It’s a good idea to identify areas of high turnover. You can develop a succession plan to fill roles faster and improve employee satisfaction.


Using a shortlisting process can speed up the hiring process. It helps you to identify the best candidates for the role. It also provides valuable insight into your recruitment strategy.

To avoid a bad hire, you need to establish a clear shortlisting process. The process needs to be fair and impartial. It also needs to take into account protected characteristics.

Protected characteristics are gender reassignment, age, disability, pregnancy, religion, and sexual orientation. The employer should ensure that no bias is imposed on the process.

A shortlisting process is also a good way to eliminate applicants who do not meet the criteria. The number of candidates you shortlist should be determined based on the job’s requirements. Some organizations choose a fixed number of applicants to shortlist, whereas others select a percentage. It would be best if you also considered your interviewing time.

The shortlisting process is also important because it helps to set the standards for the incoming candidates. It also helps to course-correct your interviewing techniques.

Building a Talent Pipeline

Creating a talent pipeline is the key to a successful hiring process. It can help streamline your hiring process, reduce the time required to hire new employees, and attract the best candidates. However, creating a talent pipeline is not a one-time event. It requires a strategic approach and execution.

Creating a talent pipeline starts with identifying your company’s needs. This can include a list of criteria that need to be met for the position. It may include skills needed for growth, performance standards, and other benefits. It also consists of a succession plan for hard-to-fill positions. It is a proactive recruiting strategy that requires extensive brainstorming and cross-departmental interaction.

A talent pipeline also includes a mix of internal and external sourcing. It can include full-time hires, former employees, temporary hires, and a freelance workforce. External hiring is a great way to increase diversity within the organization. It is also a good way to fill skill gaps within the company.


Investing in an effective onboarding program is critical to any organization’s talent-sourcing efforts. A new employee’s productivity and retention can only improve with a great onboarding program.

Hiring is a time-consuming process. It requires money, time, and energy. You must onboard your new hires to avoid ending up with disengaged employees who are less motivated and less productive.

Onboarding is often overlooked as a talent-sourcing strategy. The process may seem like just a quick ice-breaker, but it’s much more than that. It’s a process that can help you attract top talent, streamline the integration of new hires, and boost productivity.

An effective onboarding program can last up to a year. This allows new hires to learn about the organization’s culture and core values. It’s also essential to understand the new hire’s professional growth needs.

When new employees are introduced to their co-workers, they will learn how the workplace works. This includes their role in the organization, their values, and the importance of cooperation and trust.